
finding roof

Since I don't have a job yet, and everybody else is working all day, I feel kind of restless. So I wanted to start look for an appartment. Shalg told me to be picky and not settle for the first and the best. The place had to have a dishwasher, he said. So yesterday I went to see a couple of places. And what do you know, the first place I saw wouldn't leave my mind all day. I really wanted it and I prayed real hard!
At the hospital visiting my mom's man who crashed his micro-plane three weeks ago, we talked about showing that you really want the job when you apply, and I thought that could work with landlords too, so I called him again. " I just want to know if you have decided who to rent to, because I really wanna rent the place!" " No, haven't decided yet, but if you really want it, then I guess that's okay. I just want to get it over with." And then it was mine!
Learn the lesson from this story, people!

So I called my husband later that night and told him we have a place to live, and before he could say anything about me deciding too fast, I added. " and it is so close,you can walk to the sea to fish everyday!(he loooves fishing), and it has a dishwasher!"
He was definetly impressed, but I must admit he was a bit skeptic until my powers of convincing showed him his wife had made the right choice.

It's about 45 m2 and the rent is just 6500NOK electricity included!! I can't wait to go buy furniture!

and soon, very soon I will post some photos


This is when we write funny things about Norway

Which is not to easy. Yes, I write in english now, so that our wonderful foreign friends can understand.
At the airport in Finland I felt terribly uncomfortable by the fact that most people there could understand what I said. So when I was irritated at Shalg and wanted to start a fight, I had to whisper. In China all I had to do was change my tone so I didn't sound angry... The result in Finland was that after some minutes in silence, my anger was gone. Maybe a good thing, I don't know.
So when we landed in Oslo I was already used to the language. The fact is we sat next to a norwegian all the way from Guangzhou. Of course we landed in time to see the start of the sunset, and my eyes were not dry. Even to see signs like " nødutgang"(emergency exit)gave a sting in my heart.
Last summer when we landet, the airport smelled like hotdogs, this year it was pizza.
But you guys left in China can not imagine the fresh air. Even at the train-station the air was fresh.
But our idea of the heavenly kingdom of Norway disappeared when we arrived downtown Oslo. The amount of drugaddicts, prostitutes and romanian beggers is just depressive.

Let's talk about something else.
We have now been apart for two days, and I am starting to miss my husband. Shalg is in Oslo, working at Maxbo, and I am left in Kr.sand looking for a job, and an appartment. Yes, we have decided to live in my hometown, and all you guys in Oslo: Don't blame me, it was Shalg's idea!
He even plans to change his dialect, and was thrilled when he learned a new word in Sørlandsk(the dialect of south-Norway). We were late for the bus to Oslo and had to follow the bus to the next stop by car. My sister told us to "dyt og blink", and I had to explain that she did not mean "dytt og blink" (push and blink the lights), but that "dyt" is a word, and it means "tut"(honk).
We did neither, but caught up with the bus in Lillesand.